Championship Quartet(s)

2013 The Newfangled Four

Other Awards:

International College Champion 2013 The Newfangled Four

Ryan Wisniewski

Ryan Wisniewski, 21, currently sings baritone with 2013 Champ " The Newfangled Four ." Originally from San Diego county, his family moved out to Las Vegas just in time for him to start middle school. It wasn't until his sixth grade choir class that he started singing, and until his freshman year of high school that he was introduced to barbershop. At the ripe old age of 14, it was this exposure that paved the way to a lifelong obsession. After graduating high school, he joined his two local chapters (the City of Lights Chorus and the Las Vegas Gamble-Aires), which have since combined to become the Silver Statesmen, a group he's still happy to call himself a member of. A year later, he moved back down to California to finally live his dream of singing with the Westminster Chorus, and decided it would benefit him to sing with the Masters of Harmony, as well. Through all of it, he starting singing with three guys he had been Facebook stalking for years, and the rest is history! In 2013, this foursome went on to win the International Collegiate Quartet Contest and the Far Western District Quartet Contest in the same year, marking the first time Ryan crossed either stage. He recently became an Assistant Baritone Section Leader in the Westminster Chorus and is a member of the MOH Front Row. Outside of his busy schedule singing barbershop, Ryan also currently works full-time as a barista at Starbucks.